Taking the Pledge: October Unprocessed

No need for me to preach to the choir here.  I have already told you all about how I have been working to transition my family to a Traditional or “Real” Foods way of eating.   It has been going great, and I feel like the entire family is almost completely on board 😉

Well, I was on Facebook the other day (HUGE surprise, right?), and saw that a friend of ours had posted that they had pledged to do “October Unprocessed” – I’m thinking, “Hey, this might just be up my alley!”

I headed over to the website, eatingrules.com, and was thrilled with what I saw: A challenge to everyone to raise awareness of our processed, Americanized diets and go unprocessed for the entire month of October.   I am EXCITED about this!  A whole month to raise further awareness within my household – and friends and family followers – about what we are actually putting in our bodies!

When I look at what I believe to be processed food, I look at the ingredients on the label and think, “Are those ingredients that could be in my kitchen?  Is this something I could make?”  If the answer is YES to both of those questions, I go for it – UNPROCESSED.   I want to throw this out there, however: what constitutes as “unprocessed” to me and my family, may not be the same as your definition of unprocessed.  No worries – take the pledge with me and go UNPROCESSED for what it means to YOU.

Eating Rules website has thrown out a bonus for all of us who pledge: Bob’s Red Mill has stepped up to sponsor this year’s Unprocessed Challenge!  When you pledge to go unprocessed, you will get a slew of coupons towards their amazing products.               Can’t lose, right??

I don’t have to say it again, but I am excited about this journey – and can’t wait to share it!

So who’s with me?

You can also see this post at the Homestead Barn Hop!

Head on over to Eating Rules: October Unprocessed and take the pledge!!